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Some of our products are intended for qualified investors pursuant to Art. 10 Para. 3, 3bis and 3ter of the Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) with country of residence Switzerland. The following pages contain information on investment funds and other collective investment schemes that can only be offered to such investors and may not be publicly distributed.


Commitment through sponsorship

By Daniel Habshush

We support the HC White Wolves as part of our corporate philosophy, which promotes social commitment through sponsorship. That's why it's especially close to our hearts to support the HC White Wolves. We believe in the responsibility of giving something back from our success and supporting young people. As sponsors, we contribute to the future of this talented team and are proud to help develop the talents of these players.

Let's connect
+41 44 370 31 32

DIVAS Asset Management AG

Maneggstrasse 33
8041 Zürich

CHE - 401.650.289

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