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Some of our products are intended for qualified investors pursuant to Art. 10 Para. 3, 3bis and 3ter of the Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) with country of residence Switzerland. The following pages contain information on investment funds and other collective investment schemes that can only be offered to such investors and may not be publicly distributed.


Compensate. Learn. Reforest. HOW?

As an innovative and dynamic asset management boutique, we take sustainable investments to the next level with new opportunities for you.

Read how

A novelty - A share class as a bridge to a sustainable project

With our vision, we strive for sustainability in investment connected with regional climate projects, knowledge transfer to the next generation, and strengthening climate awareness. Together we actively take responsibility.
compensate2gether - how it works

Invest today for our tomorrow

The «Fridays for Future» movement has drawn international attention to climate protection and shows us the need for fast and decisive action involving our youth. Our goal is to amplify a movement, a wave, a way of life.
Download here the full PDF

Sustainability in numbers - 2022


Trees planted




Planting days


CO2 compensation at DIVAS


green share class Evolt

Last updates

Current activities of our funded projects

Empowerment durch CO2 neutrale Finanzprodukte

by Daniel Habshush

Unsere Vision für Nachhaltigkeit bei Anlagelösungen - COmpensate2gether

by Daniel Habshush
decarbonize your investment portfolio

By linking a share class with a specific and sustainable climate project, we enable our investors to take an innovative approach to decarbonize their investment portfolio. Furthermore, by involving young people, we intend to positively influence the next generation's climate behavior.

funding there for trees

There-for-Trees organizes, coordinates, and finances the regional tree cell projects together with the forestry department of the municipality and the school classes. Since There-for-Trees operates as a non-profit and is supported by broad patronage, it allows some 90% of the obtained funds to flow directly into the projects.

help reduce global warming

With your active decision for our sustainable climate solution «COmpensate2gether» you will, already today, support the long-term goals of the Paris Climate Agreement to reduce global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

support Switzerland's tree cell projects

With the completion of a tree cell project, the forestry department takes over the long-term management of the forest plot and safeguarding, while CrowtherLab monitors the project over the long term through their Restor platform developed with Google.

CrowtherLab calculates your CO2 compensation

Based on portfolio data and the latest scientific findings of the research institute CrowtherLab of the ETH, DIVAS Asset Management calculates the amount of CO2 to be offset. According to current findings, compensation costs are 0.20% p.a. and distributed quarterly to the non-profit organization There-for-Trees.

help bind CO2 with peatland protection

If there is not enough tree planting capacity, Switzerland's peatland protection projects are promoted as an alternative. Peatlands are extremely effective carbon reservoirs and are ideally suited for CO2 compensation.

collaborate on reforestation

Based on our collaborative principle and our partners, we focus on regional reforestation projects in Switzerland with the community and school classes' involvement. With these common goals, school classes in Switzerland will develop their own tree cell projects and, through knowledge transfer and awareness-raising and implement them locally in their region, under the regional forestry department's guidance.

invest in your carbon footprint reduction

With this unique and collaborative implementation at different levels, we offset the CO2 footprint of your investment and our corporate emissions annually.

Let's connect
+41 44 370 31 32

DIVAS Asset Management AG

Maneggstrasse 33
8041 Zürich

CHE - 401.650.289

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